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Select Report:

Balance Sheet for Last 3 Months

Month Flights Revenue Pilot Pay Expenses Fuel Total
2024-07 39 $ 6, 620, 821.30 $ 4, 535.83 $ 0.00 ($ -2, 277, 048.61) $ 4, 339, 509.18
2024-08 40 $ 6, 807, 263.61 $ 5, 597.33 $ 0.00 ($ -1, 816, 411.13) $ 4, 985, 554.06
2024-09 19 $ 1, 081, 188.00 $ 3, 062.83 $ 0.00 ($ -1, 184, 259.84) ($ -105, 977.51)
2024-10 18 $ 1, 121, 564.20 $ 1, 840.17 $ 0.00 ($ -965, 347.71) $ 154, 542.39
Total: $ 9, 373, 628.11
