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Select Report:

Balance Sheet for Last 3 Months

Month Flights Revenue Pilot Pay Expenses Fuel Total
2024-09 15 $ 955, 524.45 $ 2, 354.17 $ 0.00 ($ -558, 309.61) $ 394, 996.35
2024-10 41 $ 2, 642, 746.20 $ 4, 244.50 $ 0.00 ($ -1, 078, 479.91) $ 1, 560, 389.58
2024-11 14 $ 1, 772, 318.25 $ 2, 427.25 $ 0.00 ($ -535, 163.30) $ 1, 234, 896.59
Total: $ 3, 190, 282.52
