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Flight MSR798

  • Submitted By: ahmed mostafa
  • Departure Airport: Vienna International Airport (LOWW)
  • Arrival Airport: Cairo International Airport (HECA)
  • Aircraft: BOEING 777-3 (SU-GDR)
  • Flight Time: 03.11
  • Date Submitted: 12/15/2015
  • Status: Accepted
Flight Details
Gross Revenue:
(345 load / $ 828.75 per unit
$ 285, 918.75
Fuel Cost:
(-11521 fuel used @ 5.1 / unit)
($ -58, 757.10)

Additional Log Information:

View Log

smartCARS version, 2015/12/15 UTC
[06:01:18] Preflight started, flying on VATSIM
[06:01:18] Flying PMDG 777-36NER EgyptAir
[06:03:36] Engine 2 is on
[06:04:51] Engine 1 is on
[06:05:18] Flaps set to position 1
[06:05:30] Flaps set to position 2
[06:06:11] Pushing back with 54318 kg of fuel
[06:10:00] Engine 2 is off
[06:10:00] Engine 1 is off
[06:11:38] Flaps set to position 1
[06:11:49] Flaps set to position 0
[06:14:18] Engine 2 is on
[06:15:48] Engine 1 is on
[06:17:39] Fuel quantity increased to 145525 kg from 54046 kg
[06:17:43] Fuel quantity increased to 145522 kg from 54046 kg
[06:17:46] Fuel quantity increased to 145520 kg from 54045 kg
[06:17:48] Fuel quantity increased to 145519 kg from 54045 kg
[06:17:53] Fuel quantity increased to 145516 kg from 54044 kg
[06:17:57] Fuel quantity increased to 145513 kg from 54043 kg
[06:18:04] Fuel quantity increased to 145510 kg from 54043 kg
[06:18:07] Fuel quantity increased to 145508 kg from 54042 kg
[06:18:11] Fuel quantity increased to 145505 kg from 54042 kg
[06:18:19] Fuel quantity increased to 145500 kg from 54041 kg
[06:18:21] Fuel quantity increased to 145499 kg from 54041 kg
[06:18:24] Fuel quantity increased to 145497 kg from 54040 kg
[06:18:28] Fuel quantity increased to 145495 kg from 54039 kg
[06:18:30] Fuel quantity increased to 145494 kg from 54039 kg
[06:18:36] Fuel quantity increased to 145490 kg from 54038 kg
[06:18:38] Fuel quantity increased to 145489 kg from 54038 kg
[06:18:43] Fuel quantity increased to 145486 kg from 54037 kg
[06:18:48] Fuel quantity increased to 145482 kg from 54036 kg
[06:18:51] Fuel quantity increased to 145481 kg from 54036 kg
[06:18:57] Fuel quantity increased to 145476 kg from 54036 kg
[06:19:04] Fuel quantity increased to 145472 kg from 54034 kg
[06:19:06] Fuel quantity increased to 145471 kg from 54034 kg
[06:19:10] Fuel quantity increased to 145467 kg from 54033 kg
[06:19:13] Fuel quantity increased to 145466 kg from 54032 kg
[06:19:16] Fuel quantity increased to 145464 kg from 54032 kg
[06:19:18] Fuel quantity increased to 145463 kg from 54033 kg
[06:19:21] Fuel quantity increased to 145461 kg from 54033 kg
[06:19:24] Fuel quantity increased to 145460 kg from 54033 kg
[06:19:28] Fuel quantity increased to 145457 kg from 54033 kg
[06:19:30] Fuel quantity increased to 145456 kg from 54033 kg
[06:19:37] Fuel quantity increased to 145452 kg from 54033 kg
[06:19:42] Fuel quantity increased to 145449 kg from 54032 kg
[06:19:45] Fuel quantity increased to 145447 kg from 54033 kg
[06:19:50] Fuel quantity increased to 145444 kg from 54032 kg
[06:19:56] Fuel quantity increased to 145440 kg from 54032 kg
[06:19:59] Fuel quantity increased to 145437 kg from 54031 kg
[06:20:02] Fuel quantity increased to 145436 kg from 54032 kg
[06:20:05] Fuel quantity increased to 145434 kg from 54032 kg
[06:20:09] Fuel quantity increased to 145431 kg from 54031 kg
[06:20:12] Fuel quantity increased to 145430 kg from 54031 kg
[06:20:16] Fuel quantity increased to 54428 kg from 54031 kg
[06:20:29] Fuel quantity increased to 54419 kg from 54029 kg
[06:20:31] Fuel quantity increased to 54419 kg from 54027 kg
[06:20:38] Fuel quantity increased to 54414 kg from 54027 kg
[06:20:41] Fuel quantity increased to 54412 kg from 54027 kg
[06:20:47] Fuel quantity increased to 54409 kg from 54026 kg
[06:20:50] Fuel quantity increased to 54407 kg from 54026 kg
[06:20:58] Fuel quantity increased to 54402 kg from 54025 kg
[06:21:06] Fuel quantity increased to 54397 kg from 54025 kg
[06:21:11] Fuel quantity increased to 54394 kg from 54024 kg
[06:21:14] Fuel quantity increased to 54392 kg from 54023 kg
[06:21:18] Fuel quantity increased to 54390 kg from 54023 kg
[06:21:22] Fuel quantity increased to 54387 kg from 54022 kg
[06:21:27] Fuel quantity increased to 54384 kg from 54020 kg
[06:21:53] Fuel quantity increased to 55383 kg from 54383 kg
[06:22:52] Fuel quantity increased to 58213 kg from 54339 kg
[06:22:56] Fuel quantity increased to 58211 kg from 54338 kg
[06:23:05] Fuel quantity increased to 72770 kg from 54426 kg
[06:23:17] Fuel quantity increased to 130986 kg from 72762 kg
[06:23:31] Fuel quantity increased to 87323 kg from 72768 kg
[06:23:56] Fuel quantity increased to 87492 kg from 87322 kg
[06:24:21] Fuel quantity increased to 87475 kg from 87304 kg
[06:25:57] Flaps set to position 1
[06:26:09] Flaps set to position 2
[06:29:05] Taxiing to runway
[06:33:45] Taking off
[06:34:36] Gear lever raised at 26 ft at 173 kts
[06:34:37] Climbing, pitch: 10, roll: level, 157 kts
[06:35:46] Flaps set to position 1 at 1285 ft at 179 kts
[06:37:17] Flaps set to position 0 at 2503 ft at 218 kts
[06:55:32] Cruising at 35000ft, pitch: 4, 480 kts
[09:14:21] Descending
[09:33:36] Flaps set to position 1 at 10579 ft at 242 kts
[09:34:05] Approaching
[09:35:40] Flaps set to position 2 at 8252 ft at 211 kts
[09:38:41] Gear lever lowered at 4825 ft at 179 kts
[09:38:52] Flaps set to position 3 at 4625 ft at 178 kts
[09:41:43] Final approach, 165 kts
[09:42:53] Flaps set to position 4 at 1790 ft at 159 kts
[09:43:04] Flaps set to position 5 at 1829 ft at 160 kts
[09:43:32] Flaps set to position 6 at 1556 ft at 158 kts
[09:45:40] Touched down at -385 fpm, gear lever: down, pitch: 7, roll: level, 124 kts
[09:45:56] Landed in 2221 ft, fuel: 59545 kg, weight: 260101 kg
[09:45:56] Taxiing to gate
[09:46:00] The flight may now be ended
[09:46:00] Taxi time was less than 15 seconds
[09:46:00] Arrived, flight duration: 03:11
[09:49:31] Flaps set to position 5
[09:49:37] Flaps set to position 4
[09:49:48] Flaps set to position 3
[09:49:54] Flaps set to position 2
[09:50:03] Flaps set to position 1
[09:50:15] Flaps set to position 0
[09:50:18] Engine 1 is off
[09:50:19] Engine 2 is off


Commenter Comment
ahmed mostafa http://www.vataware.com/flight/566f985a5352333362000005

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